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Blog Auto Bi

Stock Prices for Car Manufacturers are going up, but the Data Real?

When stock prices go up for car or automobile manufacturers, does it really mean the prices should be up? Well, thats where data mini and business intelligence come into picture. Stock market prices go up and people jump onboard the wagon, but behind the scenes is the...

Reliance on Forecasting is essential

You have a treasure chest of data on your organization’s past and present position, showing you what has happened so far. However, to ensure continuity, you also need to know what those data say about the future. Many managers are now driving using the rear-view...

Welcome to Auto-BI

Auto-Bi is a comprehensive Business Intelligence solution that seamlessly integrates with the entire DMS, Tally & HRMS systems of your business. Moreover, it’s a cost-efficient, dynamic solution that increases profitability and productivity through the key...