Reliance on Forecasting is essential
You have a treasure chest of data on your organization’s past and present position, showing you what has happened so far. However, to ensure continuity, you also need to know what those data say about the future. Many managers are now driving using the rear-view mirror. AutoBi makes it possible to develop predictive models based on historical data and translate them into recommendations and resultant actions for managers and employees.
Its not just about us too! You need those forecasts no matter what business you are in. Reliance on Forecasting is essential. If you get it wrong, all your projects and estimates could lead you to a disastrous fall. Stay safe by bringing the right software vendor onboard that has the expertise. You can’t go back even if you want as it will cost you a lot of money. Once you pick the software or solution that is right for you, ensure that forecasting is as good as it gets. Typically you can get better forecasts based on past performance, but as you may have heard by now – future forecasts are not a replication of past performances and are not guaranteed. But past performance for sure can help you on one thing – we call it benchmark or benchmarking!