Company Overview

Auto Bi

We, as management, have been exposed to the challenges of automobile industries for the last ten years. Duly, we have inculcated vital experience pertaining to the phasic changes experienced by our industry. Now, the thumb rule dictates that we obey the regulations put forth by OEM, including those for system demands. For example, they provide us with DMS (Dealer Management Software), developed to cater their needs. The dealer has to enter the data accordingly.

In the case of back office requirements, you can utilize the different software. But, it may attract menace like duplication of data entry, eventually, resulting in wastage of valuable time, energy, and money. Despite the existence of such hazards, precise analytics and predictive trends haven’t been established. Hence, the dealer has to systematically and cautiously handle the treasure chest of data, in a manner suitable to optimize forecast and boost business.

In an exigency, if the dealer takes up developing a solution, it may involve several man-hours, substantial finance, and other resources. Despite the costly affair, it may not yield a fruitful result, even then. Of course, you may know of existing solutions available on the cloud. But, with the massive amount of data that your business possesses, you must know that it’s not an easy venture to transfer such data to the cloud and fetch targeted results. Secondly, from the viewpoint of data privacy and intellectual property security, the option of the cloud is unviable.

Keeping the above elements in consideration, based on our experience, and an eye for the current market trends, we have developed a tailor-made solution to bridge the gap. We can provide you with all-in-one custom made solution that retains the features mentioned below:

  • Compatible and optimized hardware
  • Pre-installed licensed software
  • Integration services (DMS, Tally Erp, HRMS, etc.)
  • Necessary education and training

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Challenges Vs Solutions

  • Inability to quickly get an overview on revenue or pipeline figures
  • Limited access to data
  • Reports must be requested from IT, numbers can´t be easily sliced and diced to reflect different views
  • Chaos in day-to-day operations
  • Waste of time, energy, and resources looking for relevant information within different data sources.
  • Poor performance management
  • Scope and complexity of business data hampers executives from quickly spotting and correcting issues affecting margins
  • Over reliance on Tech teams to develop custom reports
Challenges Vs Solutions

Challenges Vs Solutions

You have a treasure chest of data on your organization’s past and present position, showing you what has happened so far. However, to ensure continuity, you also need to know what those data say about the future. Many managers are now driving using the rear-view mirror. AutoBi makes it possible to develop predictive models based on historical data and translate them into recommendations and resultant actions for managers and employees.

Challenges Vs Solutions

Features & Benefits

End-to-End Business Intelligence Solutions | Reliable Forecasts

Innovative Solution
Single Source of the truth

Mash up data easily from multiple data sources and tap into a single source of the truth for intuitive data discovery.

Business Analytics

Giving power to executives to slice/dice, create exceptions, present insights making data analysis an intuitive process.


Empowering information workers to become self-sufficient by designing and deploying their own analytical reports giving access to critical data.

Valued Services

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Handpicked Raw Material

Allowing professionals with access to their data and advanced bussiness intelligence capabilities while on the go.

World Class Service

Embedding the power to connect with colleagues into every level of the decision making process.


Automatically suggesting to business users where insights can be found, while presenting that information in visual, clearly understandable terms.

Data discovery & visualisation

Providing an information architecture, that will enable the analyst to discover trends by using graphic visual representations of information(infographics) to present complex information quickly and clearly in a ‘bussiness story’ every bussiness person can understand.